Sunday, April 17, 2011

When Will I Have Time For Flossing School???

Uganda is incredible!!!  The people are fun and very friendly.  I have "adopted 3 more "sons".  They are very special guys that have shown me much love and given me many laughs. I have started giving everyone nick names.  Most of the time, I am known as "Crazy Jaaja".

My "#1 Son" is Trevor, of whom I am very proud and love dearly.  

Nelson, of course is "#2 Son".  I wouldn't be here if I hadn't met him last year.  I am "Jaaja" to his wife, Grace and his 2 little girls, Patricia and Victoria, as well as all the children at STAO and everyone I meet.  I haven't met Nelson's son, Elvis, because he is still away at school.

Wyclef is "#3 Son".  He is the Chief Administrator/Volunteer Coordinator at STAO.  We are FB friends and he asked me to bring him a good study bible.  He has been my driver as we shop for things that are needed for the children.  We have THE LIST that keeps growing and when I think of things to add to THE LIST or when I tell him that I have an idea, he says "Bring it on".  He knows where to find anything and he's always starving.  He introduced me to his favorite dive, Bismat, and so far, I've eaten there 5 times.  I'm going to bring home some great recipes.  We are plotting many things as we drive and shop. 

Kato is "#4 Son".  He is one of the pastors at church.  He is a powerful prayer warrior and leads  the prayers in church.  He anointed several people at church today with the oil the I brought for Nelson.  He is also one of my floating students.

Edrine is "#5 Son".  He is one of the STAO kids.  I first noticed him in the pictures that Nelson sent me from Tooth Brush Day last year and I could tell from that picture that he is a very compassionate young man in spite of his circumstances.  I finally got to meet him and he is indeed the gentle person I knew he would be.

In addition to playing with the children, meeting with widows and organizing Nelson's office, I've been giving floating lessons to Grace and several others that don't know how to swim and have never been in a pool before. 

 I am also the Unofficial Building Inspector at the construction site!!!

Please pray for Time Management for all of us.  In Uganda, 20 minutes usually means 1.5 hours.  I have started teaching them California Time!!!  Wyclef and I have fun timing each other.  He is getting better.  Nelson is NOT!!!

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