Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 7-8, 2011 – There’s Nothing Like Running 2 Hours Late!!!

Running late as usual – 3 boxes still not roped or tagged, I found more bills including  THE  PROPERTY  TAX  BILL that had been buried on my desk along with 2 checks that I thought I had already deposited.  The promised 16 GB camera card that I had ordered last Friday never showed up so our first stop at 11:00 a.m. was Office Max.  Trevor and I had a rather tense ride to LAX.  I paid bills while he drove.  I wasn’t able to print my ticket online so I was glad to see an empty airport.  Trevor loaded my luggage along with my 3 carry-ons onto a cart, hugged me goodbye and left the LOADING ZONE ONLY zone with my prepared bank deposit and the paid bills.  I wish I had a picture of me pushing my monumental luggage cart and dragging my Pullman.  But at that point, I didn’t know where my camera was.  I hardly knew who I was!!  I had to plead with the clerk to give me the 20% discount on my 5 pcs. of extra luggage because I wasn’t able to register them online.  I explained that I was taking bibles and dental floss that weren’t worth as much as she was charging me.  The supervisor finally gave the OK for which I was very grateful and I proceeded to luggage scan and left without my un-tagged laptop bag because I had to run to my gate with only 50 minutes to spare.  About 15 strides along, I realized that something was wrong, screamed and ran back to luggage scan to find 3 people looking for the “lady going to Entebbe”.  I start running again only to find the security section had 4 rows of very long lines.  I told the stationed security lady that I was very late for my plane and she directed me to a secret elevator to the second floor with a MUCH shorter line.  You know the drill – take off your shoes, get the laptop out to go through by itself, find the baby liquids in their baggie, pray that everything goes through only once, gather it all up, put it back together and put your shoes back on.  Now I have 35 minutes to spare.  I had just enough time for a pit stop, buy 2 bottles of water and get to my gate.  The plane was just beginning to board.  As I was waiting to board, I texted Nelson and told him that I was getting on the plane, how excited I was to see him and gave him my flight #.  I got on and discovered to my dismay that my seat was a middle seat.  I plopped into my seat sweating and panting in total disarray because I had 3 carry-ons instead of the 2 allowed but I told the flight attendant that I would consolidate everything once I cooled off.  Then, my window seatmate arrived – a very sweet Christian lady from the Philippines named Filomena who now lives in Rowland Heights.  We felt like sardines and instantly prayed that the aisle seat would remain empty.  It wasn’t until the plane started moving that we knew our prayer had been answered.  I moved over to the aisle seat and we put our stuff in the middle seat.

There’s nothing like a 22+ hour flight to catch up on movies you haven’t had a chance to see or want to see again while trying to stay up long enough before you can take you sleeping pill!!!  KLM comes complete with remote controls and 3 movie lists.   We took off and immediately were served a snack.  I snoozed off & on through Black Swan and was served dinner.  Afterwards, I watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows I and The King’s Speech.  The best steward I’ve ever had - he played with all of the kids nearby and knew them all by name - brought out hot wipes and breakfast was served.  “Mena” and I talked as we were getting ready to land in Amsterdam.  She was on her way to Abu Dhabi and Dubai for 3 months to visit an old friend.  We walked together to our gates, hugged goodbye and we’ll meet up in July when she returns. 

From Amsterdam to Kigali, Rwanda, I finally got to take my sleeping pill!!!  I slept, had lunch, watched Burlesque and had dinner.  During the hour layover in Kigali, I brought my checkbook up to date and reorganized my backpack.  The flight from Kigali to Entebbe, Uganda was a short one – just enough time for juice and a quick snooze.  Not too bad for an entire day of flying.  I left LAX at 2:00 p.m. on 4/7 and landed in Entebbe at 10:30 p.m. on 4/8.  Somewhere along the way, I gained 10 hrs.  Surprisingly, it was a very enjoyable trip.

At the Entebbe Airport, I went through immigration without a hitch.  Then I went to find my luggage.  I had to use TWO luggage carts for all of my stuff. 

A very nice attendant offered me help before I had a chance to ask for it.  On the way to meet Nelson, I discovered that real men DO where pink - at least in Uganda. 

Nelson and his baby daughter, Victoria, met me and he told me that his family and Wyclef, the Volunteer Coordinator at STAO, had also been on the same plane from Amsterdam.  They were in row 10 and I was in row 31.  Since I was asleep for most of that flight, I didn’t get up and walk around or I might have found them. They were already waiting at the car for us. 

Needless to say, the car was already full.  Nelson said, “We have a plan.”  Obviously, we were going to need a 2nd car just for my luggage.

Everyone thinks that I’m a crazy fast driver in my little Mini.  I challenge YOU to ride shotgun with Nelson for 2 hours – late at night – on a poorly paved one lane road with no line – no street lighting – the driver’s seat is on the right and the car is on the left side of the road – going 80 - 100 mph!  But, he does keep his right turn signal on and beeping the entire time so oncoming cars know how to pass him.  We even stopped for ice cream and we still got home before the other car with my luggage. HE gets the Crazy Fast Driver Award!!!

We arrived at Nelson’s house at 2 a.m. and got unloaded.  THEN!!!, he lets me know that I will be speaking in church on Sunday.  I wasn’t quite ready for that announcement.  I wonder why?????!!!!!  Stay tuned…

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