Wednesday, June 23, 2010

V.I.F.F. aka Very Important Facts & Figures

To date, I have made 140 Jinja Jugs. 34 have been distributed.
30 are on reserve for Vacation Bible School in July.
76 are waiting in my kitchen for distribution.

The gift of $2000.00 has been wired to Nelson to complete the well.  Praise God!!!

Nelson informed me that he has taken in a few more children in addition to his own 3 children.  Now, there are 86 children for Jaja to hug, kiss and tickle.

Nelson’s website has been restored and the NEW address is: 

STAO is the acronym for Save The Aids Orphans. You can visit the website to learn more about the organization, Nelson’s large family, the local community and their needs.

Pastor Nelson Lufafa and his wife, Grace 
with McClain, Candace and Megan.

They are the three volunteers that visited Nelson, Grace and the children in April. Please watch the “must see” STAO video on their blog. It will give you a very current view of the Agape Children's Home and life in Jinja. The green building with the blue doors - near the beginning of the "drive through the village" video - will be the Agape Dental Clinic. Their blog address is:

Please keep my pastor, Rich Anderson, in your prayers.
He has a serious medical concern that requires surgery in August.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Laurie. This is Barb from Abbotsford, Canada also trying to help our wonderful Pastor Nelson and the children. I love this blog you have set up and just wanted to say, God bless you.
