Well, it happened to me twice in the last 8 days. God is so wonderful. He provided the means to finish the digging of the well and I received a positive answer to a request that I hadn’t even made.
Here’s what happened…
Two Sundays ago, our Children’s Minister let me know that the Agape Dental Clinic was chosen to be the missions recipient for this year’s VBS offerings. I just had to cry because I had thought about asking for a sponsorship but hadn’t gotten the chance. Vacation Bible School will be held on July 19 – 22. I will give out 30 more Jinja Jugs because VBS will divide all of the children into 6 tribes and each tribe needs 5 jugs. In the Missions Tent, I will show the pictures of Nelson’s children receiving their toothbrushes and talk about the need for the Dental Clinic. The children will tell the story to their parents and friends.
Then, this past Sunday at church, I received a check for $2000.00 from a wonderful couple who has followed my adventure from the beginning. They knew from my blog that Nelson needed $2,000.00 to finish digging the well. As soon as I told my sister and stopped crying, I sent a text to Nelson. He immediately returned a text, letting me know that he received my text just as he and the children finished praying for provisions to finish the digging. The children went wild and everyone got to witness the power of prayer and God’s love for them.
And if that wasn’t enough, later that night, Nelson sent me another text letting me know that Grace gave birth to their 3rd child, a girl named Victoria. Nelson’s “Gifts from Heaven” are increasing. Now, there are 73 children for Jaja to visit.
As soon as Out of Africa finishes, please rejoice with me by singing along with Susan as she sings:
Who I Was Born To Be
When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there singing out my name.
But I’m not a girl
I have known the taste of defeat
And I’ve finally grown to believe
It will all come around again.
Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I’m free
And if the questions led me here, then
I am who I was born to be.
And so, here am I
Open arms and ready to stand
I’ve got the world in my hands
And it feels like my turn to fly.
Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I’m free
And if the questions led me here, then
I am who I was born to be.
When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the light
Unashamed to have braved the dark.
Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I’m free
If the questions led me here, then
I am who I was born to be,
I am who I was born to be.
You ARE who you were born to be.
God IS in control and you’ll never again have to wonder
Please pray that the drillers will come back quickly to finish their job and for all the children that will attend VBS in July.
Please continue to pray for the Jinja Juggers and everyone that hears the STAO story – that their hearts will be moved to contribute to the Agape Dental Clinic.
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