Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A New Song

On Sunday, Oct. 24, I spoke again in church to give an update.  After having made the video and watching it a bunch of times on Youtube, I felt that I needed to encourage everyone as well as let them know how the progress is going in Jinja.  Little did I know just how much I was going to be blessed and encouraged!  Right before I was to speak, we sang “He Who Began A Good Work In You”.  It had been a long time since I had heard that song but, oh, what a blessing it was to me.  I felt like everyone was singing to me and that God was – yet again – confirming and affirming my dream.  So of course, I had to add that song to my blog.

I gave a month-by-month report on the well and the Jinja Jugs.  I also shared about how we came to know Nelson.  About 6 years ago, our outreach pastor, Batt Stout, felt a calling to be involved with an orphanage in India or Uganda.  He did some internet research and found many orphanages.  He contacted some and asked how he could help.  Everyone asked for money – except Nelson.  Nelson asked for prayer.  So, I got on Facebook and started looking for people that knew Nelson.
I found someone in Norway that had been to visit Nelson in Uganda so I sent her this message:
Hi Merethe, I know that Nelson will be visiting Norway beginning       Oct. 4.  I have just finished this video and wanted to make sure that Nelson would have it while he is visiting and speaking.  If you know who he will be staying with, would you please forward the link to him?  I will be praying that you will be blessed by watching this video.  In Him, Laurie Woodward

THREE hours later I received this reply:
Hi Laurie, Thank you SO much for sharing your video with me.  I will make sure that Nelson will get it and download it for him to use.  He will live with us for a week or two and also rest at out cabin by the sea.  Your project is wonderful, necessary and absolutely possible. You can look forward to your trip to Uganda in April.  Be prepared for a life changing experience.  Is it OK that I publish your video to our STAO Giver Facebook group page?
In Him, Merethe

Out of all the millions of people on Facebook, I found THE ONE PERSON that I needed to find.  What can I say?  I had NO idea who Nelson would be staying with but God did.  It gave me goose bumps.  God is SO in control. I feel so blessed and honored by following the desire that He put into my heart.

We all have something in us that God wants us to do for Him.  Have you discovered what your “Good Work” is?  I pray that this song will inspire you to dream big and move forward towards it.

Enjoy blogsong # 3.  Blessings to you ;)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I’m On Youtube

So, I’m working at Atria one Tuesday night in September and Stan Gray comes in for CCC Choir practice. Stan plays the base guitar on our worship team and he also records the sermons every Sunday.  He stops and says to me, “I want to interview you”.  “OK”, I said, wondering what he was up to.  He told me to come see what he’d been working on after I got off work.  His hobby/gift is making Memory Videos.  When I saw what he had done, I got VERY excited.  He had dove-tailed my speech that I gave in July with Nelson’s speech from January. 
Stan wanted to make a video that I can show when I speak about the Agape Dental Clinic.  He came to my house on Thursday night and recorded me talking about my desire to build the dental clinic. He asked me if I had ever done any other missionary work. He wanted to hear about the miracles that Nelson and I witnessed during our time together and how I got the idea for the Jinja Jugs.  Over the next couple of weeks, we worked together on the video.  At some point during the whole process, I had an epiphany.

It’s NOT about the money!  
It’s about FAITH, HOPE, JOY and PRAYER!!!

I made 140 Jinja Jugs to collect money.  It takes a long time to fill one of those jugs.  I realized that the “purpose” of the jug is to be a "PRAYER PROMPTER".  God will provide all of the funds to build the Agape Dental Clinic in His time.  It’s our job to have FAITH in knowing that it will happen, showing our HOPE for the people that need it,
JOY in knowing that we are doing something for others and most importantly, PRAYING for it. 

Be encouraged that your Jinja Jug is doing just what God wants you to do with it - whether you are putting your change in it, telling your friends why you have it in a prominent place in your home and watching them put their change into it or praying each time you look at it for the provisions needed to build the clinic.  Whenever it gets full, it will help support the Agape Dental Clinic once it becomes operational.

The video that Stan made is now on Youtube for the world to see.         It’s called "Agape Smiles Journey 2011".  Nelson loves it.  I can tell that it has already been seen in Norway, Canada and Uganda
Thank you Stan!!
I feel like a big wave is about to form and roll in. Don’t you?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Calling All Juggers

I have a favor to ask each of you.  Would you please give me a call and tell me how full your Jinja Jug is?  You don’t have to count it – unless you want to – I’ll just guesstimate.  I would like to give everyone an update and thank each of you again for joining me on this adventure.  
I pray that you are blessed each time you plunk some change into your jug.  I know that it takes a while to get one filled.  The Atria Jug is about 2/3 full.  My Jug is almost 1/2 full.  If your jug is like mine, I won’t hear from anyone until Christmas.

Please call me ASAP at 949-533-8081.  Thanks and God Bless

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Pump is Pumping!

I received a phone call from Nelson on Monday night – at 3:30 in the morning!  I guess he couldn’t wait to tell me the great news.  The well   is complete and the pump is pumping.  They don’t have to haul water anymore.  This is wonderful news.  What an honor for all of us to have been a part of the process from start to finish.  Nelson came to us for help in January and it only took 7 months to complete.  I know that if Nelson could call each one of us, he would thank everyone that contributed dollars and prayers for this project.  But he can’t,so I will.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you and God Bless all of you.

Nelson also told me that he would be leading everyone in prayer this coming Sunday for my trip to Jinja.  I gotta tell ya, I am in awe of how God is in control of my life.  I am at peace with waiting for the Jinja Jugs to do their job.  I am at peace with all of the plans that have to be made.  I am at peace about the cost of my trip and where the money will come from for it.  Knowing that all of the children and Nelson’s church family will be praying for my trip, fills me with more peace and much love.  Words can hardly express how I’m feeling.  I am at peace!  Period.  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Juggers - Goin’ Green!!!

Here’s another way to add to your Jinja Jugs.  The folks at Atria have been saving their empty water bottles for me to recycle.  I took in a HUGE trash bag full to my Drive-thru Junk Yard and received $5.21. They were amazed that their efforts yielded that much when I added it to the Atria Jinja Jug and told them “Thanks for recycling and keep up the good work!!”  The word got around and it looks like I’ll be going to the recycler again soon. 

I am recycling for my plane ticket.  It feels good to see the trash bags fill up with bottles and cans, knowing that I’m doing a “green thing” and saving for my trip.

V.I.F.F. Update - 6 Jugs have already been emptied and are working on being filled again.  $587.50 has been raised so far.  The goal is to fill each jug 4 times.  I am amazed at the generosity that has already been shown.  May God bless you each time you add to your Jinja Jug.

Thank you for your continued prayers as I speak about the Agape Dental Clinic and distribute more Jinja Jugs.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vacation Bible School at CCC

Last week, I was so busy that Wednesday came and went without a chance for me to write on my blog. CCC’s VBS was a blast and a great success. This year’s theme was:

The Holyland

The children were divided into 6 of the 12 Tribes of Jacob – the easy names: Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Judah, Levi and Ruben. Everyone wore robes with braided belts and headbands. I hosted the Missions Tent. Each day we learned about a different mission and made a craft for that mission.

On Monday, I told the children about Jinja and the children at the Agape Children’s Home. I explained that all of our VBS offerings were going towards building The Agape Dental Clinic for Pastor Nelson’s daughter, Irene. Each child created a square for the quilt that I will take with me when I go to Jinja.

On Tuesday, Miss Thelma told the children about her mission in the Philippines. She wants to teach English in a NEW school building because they are presently using a WW II quonset hut. She showed the plans for the building that she is raising money to build. I sat on the ground with the children and learned too. The children made bookmarks to send to the children in the Philippines.  It was such a blessing for me to listen to someone that has a passion for their ministry the same way that I have for mine. 

On Wednesday, Max the Tax Collector came to collect taxes from everyone. In the Missions Tent, the children made sachets to give to the residents that live at Atria. The sachets were delivered on Sunday after church and the residents really appreciated the visit.

On Thursday, I spoke about being a missionary right where you live or work or go to school and that not everyone is called to leave the country to do missionary work. The children had great ideas about where they could be missionaries and made bookmarks to give to a friend.

That night, the children performed for their parents all of the songs they had learned during the week. The songs were signed as well. It was very impressive to see such little ones singing with all their might and going through the motions of each song. I spoke again about the Agape Dental Clinic and reported that the children had raised $359.86 for it.

10 more Jinja Jugs were adopted.

Being a part of VBS was such a blessing to me.  I encourage you to be a part of VBS at your own church.  You’ll be incredibly blessed and have a blast.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

V.I.F.F. Update

Last Sunday was a wonderful success. 18 Jinja Jugs were adopted.
For whatever reason, there weren’t any children in the service.
Hmmmm - I think I know why… They will get to hear my story and share it with their families next week during Vacation Bible School.
I will host the Missions Tent and tell the children all about Jinja,
the Agape Children’s Home and the Agape Dental Clinic.

To date, 60 Jinja Jugs have been distributed. 30 are waiting for VBS.
50 are back in my kitchen.

The Jinja Jug display at church.

It was such a blessing to get into "Nelson's Office" and drive to church looking at all the Jinja Jugs. At least I could see through my rear view mirror when I drove home on Sunday.

Please pray for all of the children that will attend CCC’s VBS next week.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jinja Jugs are Loaded and Ready to Go

As you can see, Nelson’s “office” is loaded to the brim with Jinja Jugs.

This coming Sunday, I will speak at my church, Capistrano Community Church aka CCC.  Please pray for me as I share the need for the Agape Dental Clinic to my church family and that Nelson’s “office” returns home empty.

God Bless You for your prayers and support.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

V.I.F.F. aka Very Important Facts & Figures

To date, I have made 140 Jinja Jugs. 34 have been distributed.
30 are on reserve for Vacation Bible School in July.
76 are waiting in my kitchen for distribution.

The gift of $2000.00 has been wired to Nelson to complete the well.  Praise God!!!

Nelson informed me that he has taken in a few more children in addition to his own 3 children.  Now, there are 86 children for Jaja to hug, kiss and tickle.

Nelson’s website has been restored and the NEW address is: 

STAO is the acronym for Save The Aids Orphans. You can visit the website to learn more about the organization, Nelson’s large family, the local community and their needs.

Pastor Nelson Lufafa and his wife, Grace 
with McClain, Candace and Megan.

They are the three volunteers that visited Nelson, Grace and the children in April. Please watch the “must see” STAO video on their blog. It will give you a very current view of the Agape Children's Home and life in Jinja. The green building with the blue doors - near the beginning of the "drive through the village" video - will be the Agape Dental Clinic. Their blog address is:

Please keep my pastor, Rich Anderson, in your prayers.
He has a serious medical concern that requires surgery in August.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It’s Time to Praise the Lord

This week was amazing!  Have you ever been so happy that you cried?

Well, it happened to me twice in the last 8 days. God is so wonderful. He provided the means to finish the digging of the well and I received a positive answer to a request that I hadn’t even made.
Here’s what happened…

Two Sundays ago, our Children’s Minister let me know that the Agape Dental Clinic was chosen to be the missions recipient for this year’s VBS offerings. I just had to cry because I had thought about asking for a sponsorship but hadn’t gotten the chance. Vacation Bible School will be held on July 19 – 22. I will give out 30 more Jinja Jugs because VBS will divide all of the children into 6 tribes and each tribe needs 5 jugs. In the Missions Tent, I will show the pictures of Nelson’s children receiving their toothbrushes and talk about the need for the Dental Clinic. The children will tell the story to their parents and friends.

Then, this past Sunday at church, I received a check for $2000.00 from a wonderful couple who has followed my adventure from the beginning. They knew from my blog that Nelson needed $2,000.00 to finish digging the well. As soon as I told my sister and stopped crying, I sent a text to Nelson. He immediately returned a text, letting me know that he received my text just as he and the children finished praying for provisions to finish the digging. The children went wild and everyone got to witness the power of prayer and God’s love for them.

And if that wasn’t enough, later that night, Nelson sent me another text letting me know that Grace gave birth to their 3rd child, a girl named Victoria. Nelson’s “Gifts from Heaven” are increasing. Now, there are 73 children for Jaja to visit.

As soon as Out of Africa finishes, please rejoice with me by singing along with Susan as she sings:

Who I Was Born To Be
When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there singing out my name.

But I’m not a girl
I have known the taste of defeat
And I’ve finally grown to believe
It will all come around again.

Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I’m free
And if the questions led me here, then
I am who I was born to be.

And so, here am I
Open arms and ready to stand
I’ve got the world in my hands
And it feels like my turn to fly.

Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I’m free
And if the questions led me here, then
I am who I was born to be.

When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the light
Unashamed to have braved the dark.

Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I’m free
If the questions led me here, then
I am who I was born to be,
I am who I was born to be.


You ARE who you were born to be.
God IS in control and you’ll never again have to wonder

Please pray that the drillers will come back quickly to finish their job and for all the children that will attend VBS in July.

Please continue to pray for the Jinja Juggers and everyone that hears the STAO story – that their hearts will be moved to contribute to the Agape Dental Clinic.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gifts from Heaven

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.  How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them – Ps. 127:3-5

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it – Prov. 22:6

When I think about the children at The Agape Children’s Home and how they lost their parents, I just ache for them. But even though they are not with their natural parents and families, Nelson has created a loving and nurturing “family” for them. With 72 children, Nelson’s quiver is indeed a very full one and he is very blessed being their father. He and Grace are educating them and teaching them how to live godly and productive lives.  They, in turn, will be a blessing to their own families and the community of Jinja when they grow up.

Today is my son’s birthday. 27 years ago, God sent me a gift. When I held him for the first time, I cried. I didn’t realize it at the time just how much of a blessing he and I would be for each other. I am very proud to be his mom and I know that he is going to be a great husband and father someday.

Happy Birthday, Trevor!    I love you, Your Madre

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why me, Lord?

We’ve all asked this question at some point in our lives. I have asked it many times but it’s always been during the tough times in my life. Now, when I think about that question, I turn on Susan Boyle’s song “Who I Was Born To Be”. Susan was the runner-up in last year’s Britain’s Got Talent Contest. When her album came out last Christmas, this song touched me in a way no other song has ever done. I would play it over and over and then I started singing along with it because I could relate so much to it.

One day while I was sitting and singing at my computer, I came up with a really “off the wall” idea. I have never sung anything for anybody but I wanted to sing this song to Tillie Roosa, one of the residents at Atria San Juan.  We met in 2007 after my mom died of Alzheimer’s disease.  We connected in a very special way and have been very close ever since. The day that I chose to sing it to her just happened to be the day that my pastor, Rich Anderson, was hosting a fellowship group at Atria. I invited them both to Tillie’s apt. and told them that I had never done anything like this before but that I wanted to sing them a song for their Christmas present.  After I was done, my pastor asked me if I would like to make a recording of it. I was dumbfounded. I never thought I had any singing talent. Tillie has since asked me several times to sing it for people sitting in the lobby at Atria. Sometimes at night, Jud Wray will come down to the lobby to sing it with me as I work. Jud and Tillie are my “second set of parents” and we like to sing this song together. I also sang it with Nelson while we drove around and he would harmonize with me. It is one of those songs that really gives you a boost.

I am a sucker for true stories and this song was written just for Susan Boyle. It has become my song too. That’s why I chose it to be one of the 2 songs on my blog. My prayer for you is that it encourages you the way that it has me. The other song is the theme song for one of my favorite movies, “Out of Africa”, which seemed very appropriate and is also a true story. I hope you enjoy both of them as you follow my blog and realize who you were born to be.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Keep On Keepin’ On

This week, Psalms 46:10 came to mind: Be still and know that I am God. Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself that God in is control and that I’m working on His timetable - not mine. I spent some time – well, actually a lot of time – watching and re-watching the videos that Candace, McClain and Megan (the gals from Oklahoma) put on their blog. Believe me, I got goose bumps. Please take some time and check them out: The girls spent 2 weeks with Nelson at the AGAPE CHILDREN’S HOME and 2 weeks with Renee Bach, who runs a home for babies that suffer from malnutrition in Masese – the slum area of Jinja. The videos are amazing. To think that I will be there 11 months from now and get to meet all those children gives me the motivation to keep on keepin’ on.

Please pray for provisions for Nelson as he has informed me that the Bore Hole needs an additional 20 meters dug before the water can be reached. This will cost approximately $2000.00. This is a very urgent need because the drilling company is very busy and won’t finish the job until Nelson can pay for it. If it isn’t finished soon, the drilling that has already been done will be lost.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

THANKS to the Jinja Juggers

This week, as I continued to make Jinja Jugs, I had time to reflect on everything that has happened since the day I met Nelson and I want    to say THANK YOU!!!

First and Foremost, my Lord – Thank you for putting this desire on my heart and guiding me the whole way. The miracles that I have seen have strengthened my faith. I have been so blessed and honored to have been chosen for this adventure.

My Dad and Mom – dentist and hygienist – they are in heaven now      but they taught me about teeth, how to care for them and were bold enough to give out toothbrushes for Halloween when I was a kid in        the 60’s.

Boney – my sweet sister, Cheryl - is my confidant, prayer warrior and hygienist. She told me what to do for Nelson the day I met him. She also told me to keep a journal of all my time with Nelson – something I would never have thought to do. She gave Nelson a suitcase to take toothbrushes and bibles back to Jinja and she taught him how to use a rubber tip to care for his gums. By the way, she says that you only have to floss the teeth that you want to keep.  I love you, Boney!

My dentist – Toothaches are NO FUN!!! Nelson had 2 of them while he was here and the “Great Doctor” - as Nelson still calls him - did 2 root canals and 12 fillings. He and his staff also put together a huge box with 250 toothbrushes and several cases of toothpaste and dental floss for Nelson to take back to Jinja.

All of Nelson’s Dental Angels – you know who you are. You helped me pay for Nelson’s dental expenses. Thank you so much! I am so glad that I was able to introduce Nelson to most of you so he could personally thank you.

Dr. Elizabeth John and Dr. Peggy Bolcoa – my very wise and encouraging doctors – I wouldn’t be ME without you.

My chiropractors – Dr. Jack Hewitt keeps my bones in working order and Dr. Jen Paalani put me in contact with her dentist and a dental supplier. Funny thing – I am a patient at the AGAPE WELLNESS CENTER and I’m working towards establishing the AGAPE DENTAL CLINIC in Jinja, Uganda to serve the needs of the orphans that live in the AGAPE CHILDREN’S HOME. 
Do you think that’s a coincidence? I don’t think so!!

Jud Wray – a resident at Atria San Juan. He is a very wise confidant, prayer warrior and proofreader. He helped me put the final touches on the Jinja Jug label and he comes up with some great ideas when he can’t sleep. He also sings praise songs with me in the lobby when I work the night shift.

The Manager of the “check cashing place” – as Nelson calls it – helped Nelson cash the checks that he had received in Minnesota and then set up an account enabling me to endorse STAO checks and wire money to Nelson. Now THAT was a miracle!

Jim & Nancy – enlarged the pictures of the water drilling project and the children receiving their toothbrushes and gave me foam-backed posters for me to show when I speak to groups about the dental clinic.

The Manager at the copy store – suggested that I make labels for the Jinja Jugs instead of gluing on colored copies (OH, what a mess THAT would have been) and gave me a very generous discount.

And finally, all of the Jinja Juggers – THANK YOU for your enthusiasm and your desire to help by taking Jinja Jugs. We are going to build a wonderful dental clinic for Jinja.

Blessings to all of you, Laurie

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jaja is going to Jinja

I love scrapbooking. I am in the process of turning my spare bedroom into “Scrapbook Nook” so that I can spread everything out and then shut the door when I’m not working on one of my many scrapbooking projects - like my son’s baby book. I hope I get THAT done someday…

This week, I started yet another scrapbook.

The title is: Jaja Is Going To Jinja

The introduction page reads:

So, who is Jaja?
“Jaja” is the word for “Grandmother” in the land of Jinja.
Nelson Lufafa calls me Mama which means he is my “other” son.
Nelson and his wife, Grace, are parenting
72 orphans whose parents died of HIV/AIDS.
So, that makes me Jaja.
I am Laurie Woodward
Welcome to my Blog…

The scrapbook has the hard copies of all of my blog entries. I’ve also had prints made of the pictures of the Bore Hole and Toothbrush Day that Nelson sent me. He also sent me profiles of many of the STAO children including pictures with names and ages. Those are at the back of the book. I love looking at those children and thinking what it will be like to meet them next year.

This week, I gave out 27 Jinja Jugs and made 33 more. I load 6 into my car, grab my scrapbook and off I go. I never know who I’m going to run into that wants to be involved. It’s very exciting to share the STAO story and hand out bottles of water that will become Jinja Jugs.

Please pray for God’s leading as I give out Jinja Jugs.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How many Jinja Jugs should I make?

Well, I thought 50 would be enough but then I decided to THINK BIG again, so I bought 100 bottles of water. I want to share with you several verses that I keep in mind as I proceed with this adventure that God has given to me.

The first is Ps. 37:4 - Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. This verse is painted on a tile in my shower. For years, I thought that I would get MY desires if I delighted in the Lord. I found out that it doesn’t quite work that way. God will give you HIS desires and put them on your heart when you delight in Him. I have no doubt in my mind that God put the desire to raise funds for a dental clinic on my heart. I have been so excited and blessed by what I’ve seen and done so far. I know that many, many people, here and in Jinja, will be blessed because of it.

The 2nd verse is James 4:2 - You do not have because you do not ask. My sister taught me this one and it’s not a very easy lesson to learn. It’s also very humbling. I have witnessed so much generosity just because I’ve asked for help. I tell people what I’m doing and they respond by saying “How can I help?” or by offering their services at a reduced rate or even for free. I know that the Agape Dental Clinic will be up and running by the time Irene graduates from school. It may seem to some as an incredibly daunting undertaking but I know that God is able to make what seems impossible possible.

The 3rd & 4th are: Prov. 16:3 & 9 – Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established. The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. I am in awe of how God is leading me. When I went to get the labels made for the jugs, I asked for a discount. I was charged less than half the normal amount and got the 2 proofs for free. One of the clerks in the store told me that he had saved $41.00 in just 2 months just by putting his pocket change in a jar every day. That really inspired me. Now I have a real story to share when I speak about the dental clinic.

Just for fun, I pulled out my Piggy Bank and emptied it onto the floor just like a little kid. I counted all of it and put it into my Jinja Jug. It filled a fourth of the jug and was mostly pennies but there was about $20.00. If each Jinja Jug holds $100.00 and I make 100 of them and we fill each of them 3 times in the next 6 months, guess how much we can collect for the clinic???    $30,000.00    How AWESOME would that be?

I have 9 people already waiting for a jug. So far, I’ve made 23.  I can’t drink them fast enough! This is so exciting! Being the crazy bookkeeper that I am, it’s going to be so much fun collecting and keeping a tally on all of the jugs. I’ll be able to let people know how much they’ve collected and keep them aware of the running total.  I have no idea how much it will take to get that clinic established, but God does!

Please pray for all the people that take a Jinja Jug and for everyone that will empty their pockets for the AGAPE DENTAL CLINIC.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jugs for Jinja

I've been thinking and thinking of how to raise funds for this project and one of my ideas was to make donation jugs.  I have been shopping for just the right size jug - a clear one with a big enough opening for people to drop in their pocket change.  My local grocery store had just what I needed and wouldn't you know it, they were on sale at 10 for $10.00 - only one dollar for a 3L jug of WATER!  I wouldn't have met Nelson if he hadn't come to my church to express the needs of his community for a water well.   The label will read: Turn Small Change Into BIG Change   It will have the pictures of Nelson and I as well as the children receiving their toothbrushes along with the request: PLEASE HELP ME ESTABLISH THE AGAPE DENTAL CLINIC IN JINJA, UGANDA.  It will also include the STAO website and my blog info.

I already have people that are excited to help me by displaying a jug in their office or business.  Thank you for your prayers as I drink my daily jug of water and turn it into a Jug for Jinja.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Me, a Blogger?

Well, I never thought I'd see the day that I would be a Blogger, but here it is. My inspiration came from 3 gals that are visiting the AGAPE Children's Home in Jinja, Uganda. They are from Oklahoma and I have been following their blog.  Since I will be there at the same time next year, I want to share my journey too.

I met Nelson Lufafa on January 31, 2010, when he spoke at Capistrano Community Church. Nelson is a pastor and came to the U.S. to speak at churches in order to raise money to drill a well in his community. Water is a precious and expensive commodity where he lives. At the present time, his family has to walk a mile to get it and haul it back home. Nelson started the Agape Children’s Home - when he was only 18 - for children whose parents had died of HIV/AIDS. He is 31 now and is married to his wife, Grace, and has 2 children of his own. He and Grace are also the “parents” to 72 orphans. He spoke about the needs of the children and the widows that he serves. Being from a dental family - my dad was a dentist, my mom was a hygienist and so is my sister - all I could think about while I listened to him, was how to get toothbrushes to those kids! Back in the sixties, my mom would give out toothbrushes for Halloween. It was incredibly embarrassing but it obviously left quite an impression on me. To make a wonderfully long story short, Nelson went back to Uganda with a suitcase full of toothbrushes and toothpaste that my dentist gave to him. As you can see, the children were very excited to receive them.

Nelson and I became very close in the 3 weeks that he was in California and he started calling me “Mama”. We called my Mini Cooper his "office”. He and I did a lot of driving around, mostly to the dentist, but we had other errands to do as well. We sang and prayed while we drove and we saw many miracles together. Towards the end of his stay, I asked him, "What could I do if I came to Uganda?" Being a 50+ single lady, I couldn't see myself digging ditches for water pipes or building a house. But Nelson told me that I could pray and play with the children, I could pray with the widows and teach them how to knit and crochet and I could help him organize his office. WELL!! That did it. My bookkeeping background kicked in and I got really excited. OH, to organize an office! OH, to sit and knit! OH, to paint little toenails and play tag!

When I told my pastor of my plans, he told me to start a list of the things that I want to take with me. So I decided to THINK BIG. Since there has NEVER been any type of dental care in Jinja, I want to help Nelson build a Dental Clinic for his “daughter”, Irene. She is currently in Dental School in Kampala,the capital of Uganda. She will graduate this November. Nelson has purchased a building for her to live in and practice dentistry. I am in the process of contacting dentists that I know in order to gather all the necessary supplies and equipment for the clinic.

I can't make my airline reservations yet but I've received my new passport. Nelson and his family can hardly wait for me to come.

Please pray for this wonderful journey - that God will touch the hearts of the suppliers for the Dental Clinic, for the funds that will be needed to get everything to Uganda and for the all of the children at Agape. Please pray for God's Will as I make their story known and as I plan my trip.