Stan wanted to make a video that I can show when I speak about the Agape Dental Clinic. He came to my house on Thursday night and recorded me talking about my desire to build the dental clinic. He asked me if I had ever done any other missionary work. He wanted to hear about the miracles that Nelson and I witnessed during our time together and how I got the idea for the Jinja Jugs. Over the next couple of weeks, we worked together on the video. At some point during the whole process, I had an epiphany.
It’s NOT about the money!
It’s about FAITH, HOPE, JOY and PRAYER!!!
It’s about FAITH, HOPE, JOY and PRAYER!!!
I made 140 Jinja Jugs to collect money. It takes a long time to fill one of those jugs. I realized that the “purpose” of the jug is to be a "PRAYER PROMPTER". God will provide all of the funds to build the Agape Dental Clinic in His time. It’s our job to have FAITH in knowing that it will happen, showing our HOPE for the people that need it,
JOY in knowing that we are doing something for others and most importantly, PRAYING for it.
Be encouraged that your Jinja Jug is doing just what God wants you to do with it - whether you are putting your change in it, telling your friends why you have it in a prominent place in your home and watching them put their change into it or praying each time you look at it for the provisions needed to build the clinic. Whenever it gets full, it will help support the Agape Dental Clinic once it becomes operational.
The video that Stan made is now on Youtube for the world to see. It’s called "Agape Smiles Journey 2011". Nelson loves it. I can tell that it has already been seen in
Thank you Stan!!
I feel like a big wave is about to form and roll in. Don’t you?