Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Pump is Pumping!

I received a phone call from Nelson on Monday night – at 3:30 in the morning!  I guess he couldn’t wait to tell me the great news.  The well   is complete and the pump is pumping.  They don’t have to haul water anymore.  This is wonderful news.  What an honor for all of us to have been a part of the process from start to finish.  Nelson came to us for help in January and it only took 7 months to complete.  I know that if Nelson could call each one of us, he would thank everyone that contributed dollars and prayers for this project.  But he can’t,so I will.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you and God Bless all of you.

Nelson also told me that he would be leading everyone in prayer this coming Sunday for my trip to Jinja.  I gotta tell ya, I am in awe of how God is in control of my life.  I am at peace with waiting for the Jinja Jugs to do their job.  I am at peace with all of the plans that have to be made.  I am at peace about the cost of my trip and where the money will come from for it.  Knowing that all of the children and Nelson’s church family will be praying for my trip, fills me with more peace and much love.  Words can hardly express how I’m feeling.  I am at peace!  Period.  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Juggers - Goin’ Green!!!

Here’s another way to add to your Jinja Jugs.  The folks at Atria have been saving their empty water bottles for me to recycle.  I took in a HUGE trash bag full to my Drive-thru Junk Yard and received $5.21. They were amazed that their efforts yielded that much when I added it to the Atria Jinja Jug and told them “Thanks for recycling and keep up the good work!!”  The word got around and it looks like I’ll be going to the recycler again soon. 

I am recycling for my plane ticket.  It feels good to see the trash bags fill up with bottles and cans, knowing that I’m doing a “green thing” and saving for my trip.

V.I.F.F. Update - 6 Jugs have already been emptied and are working on being filled again.  $587.50 has been raised so far.  The goal is to fill each jug 4 times.  I am amazed at the generosity that has already been shown.  May God bless you each time you add to your Jinja Jug.

Thank you for your continued prayers as I speak about the Agape Dental Clinic and distribute more Jinja Jugs.